• Ramble on

    black_carolineroxy3 black_carolineroxy2 black_carolineroxy4 black_carolineroxy6 black_carolineroxy1 black_carolineroxy5Scuba Top Caroline Roxy For Bubbleroom HERE / Pants Caroline Roxy for Bubbleroom HERE / Hat Dry Lake HERE / Shoes Acne / Photo Madelen H

    Good morning happy people! I always end up thinking how happy I am when I work with people with energy and creativity. A day with laughter is always a great day to remember for me and it makes such a big difference with a positive mind. A great way to think is ‘if I were to die tomorrow, would it be worth it to be angry about this now?’. Its a bit dramatic I know, but I think it would spare us a lot of energy. Xx

  • Color poppin’

    colorpop_carolineroxy3 colorpop_carolineroxy2 colorpop_carolineroxy7 colorpop_carolineroxy5 colorpop_carolineroxy4 colorpop_carolineroxy6 colorpop_carolineroxy1 colorpop_carolineroxy8Shorts HERE / Top HERE / Shoes re-done Converse / Jewelry Glitter

    Åh, kan inte beskriva hur mycket jag saknar att gå baronet  alltså på riktigt. Short och boots eller sneakers.. Hjälp! För mig är det verkligen en sån speciell känsla. Är inte skapt för kyla även om jag tycker det är mysigt en kortare period. Nu dags för skissande deluxe. Hoppas ni har haft världens bästa helg. Jag är så lycklig att jag måste nypa mig i skinnet. Xx

    Oh, I don’t know if I can describe how much I miss being in shorts and sneakers (yes, already haha!!). But seriously, it’s such a lovely feeling for me. I’m gonna work, work, work, work, work now, but with a really fun project that I’m gonna sink into really deep because I need that so much right now. Hope y’all have an amazing weekend! XX

  • X

    neon_carolineroxy1 neon_carolineroxy neon_carolineroxy5 neon_carolineroxy2 neon_carolineroxy3 neon_carolineroxy4
    Jacket Jofama By Roxy (here) / Shoes Ash (here) / Top Concrete humanity (here) / Shorts Runwaydreamz / Photo Madelen Holmström

    Good morning babes! Yesterday was so much fun. We hosted our party the ‘french bazaar’ at the club Hotellet in Stockholm and we changed the whole club to this amazing bazaar vibe, filled the whole place with a lot of exotic food, exotic music and happy, dancing people. It’s just amazing how much music can do. Now I’m off to a meeting, then to a fitting for a commercial movie next week and then I hope to hit the gym! Hope y’all have an amazing saturday! Xx


  • DJ tour


    14 July: Visby, Gotland
    16 July: Visby Gotland
    18 July: Löga Beach Party
    24-27 July: Marbella
    28 July-1Aug: Ibiza

    Here’s my schedule so far, hope to see you out there 🙂

    PS. Jag lär mig en massa grymt av DJ Samvice just nu. Det går att anmäla sig till kurser hos honom på StarDJ ! Kommer skriva er om det efter nästa gång 🙂

  • NYFW pt II

    karenwalker_carolineroxy8 karenwalker_carolineroxy3 karenwalker_carolineroxy6 karenwalker_carolineroxy1 karenwalker_carolineroxy7 karenwalker_carolineroxy5 karenwalker_carolineroxy4Shades Karen Walker / Shoes Henry Kole / Pants Caroline Roxy for Bubbleroom / Jacket H&M

    Just realized I completely forgot to show you what I was wearing the third day of New York Fashion Week. It was freezin cold, like -25 degrees celsius, I’m freezing just thinking of it haha 🙂 So happy the spring is arriving. Just wanna dance and laugh and scream happy sounds when I go outside, but yeah, maybe that’ll look a little weird, hehe! Shooting all day today, and tomorrow I’ll start the day with a work out with Nike – they have ordered the cab for 6.30 AM, help!! haha 😉


  • Dead legacy X Caroline Roxy


    So excited about this collab! Now you can buy these t-shirts in online stores and at NK Stockholm and NK Gothenburg. Weird feeling when people walk around with me on their t-shirts, haha.. They’re available for both men and women.

    MEN: 1 HERE / 2 HERE / 3 HERE / 4 HERE
    WOMEN: 1 HERE / 2 HERE / 3 HERE / 4 HERE

    You can still enter the competition to win my Jofama by Roxy-leather jacket. All you have to do is to like my new Facebook-site HERE <3


    Roxy_0201RX Radio Top HERE / RX Underground Belt HERE / RX Avalanche Pants HERE / All items from Caroline Roxy For Bubbleroom HERE

    Har ju en hel drös med lookbook-bilder för min kollektion så tänkte att jag ska visa er lite av dem, så den här är först ut! Helgen har varit grym, föreläsning på Fotografiska igår och dagen innan Blog awards. Vill tacka till tusen till alla ni fina som röstat, är så oerhört stolt och tacksam att jag var en av de fyra i Årets modeblogg och stort grattis till Angie och de andra vinnarna, så grymma allihop! Nu ska jag ta mig till centralen och bege mig ut på äventyr.. XX

    I have a lot of lookbook pictures from my collection so I though of starting to show you some of them, this one is one of my favs! The weekend has been awesome, yesterday I held a lecture about photographing and the day before it was Blog Awards. I want to thank you all for voting, I’m so proud and grateful for being one of the four for Best fashion blog, big congrats to Angie and the other winners, so awesome all of you! Now I’m heading to the central station for some adventures… XX