Behind the scenes – glossy box movie commercial
Här är lite behind the scenes bilder ifrån filminspelningen med Glossybox. Så himla härlig dag med ett så energifyllt och entusiastiskt team. Vi var till och med klara före schemalagt, hur ofta händer det liksom? 😀 Hittills har två filmer släppts och två återstår, ni hittar dem på min instagram och på glossybox Facebook! Kärlek!
Here are some behind the scenes pics from the movie shooting with Glossybox. An amazing day with a creative and energetic team. We even finished before scheduled, how often does that happen? 😀 So far two movies are released and two more to come, you can see them on my instagram and Glossybox Facebook. Much love! 🙂
Costa Rica Surfing
The surfing video <3 by Soda Lime
New Youtube-video!
YouTube making
Dream team! Haha, we recorded two YouTube videos the other day that will be out soon and it was so much laughing in it, you’ll see this week!! 😀 Now I’m off to a big, exciting meeting – so nervous!! I think this thing could be so, so good and we worked so hard for it so I don’t wanna wait more until I can tell you guys!! <3
Interview with Kat Von D & Steve-O
Fashion show video
New episode of World