
Juvet Norway





Vet inte var jag ska börja alltså, WOW. I måndags flög vi till Ålesund och därefter bilade till det magiska hotellet Juvet. Det består av ett gäng olika trähus placerade jämte varann mitt ute i ingenstans. I anslutning fanns det en stor villa där alla måltider serverades som var tillagade av deras kock där, allt var närproducerad och så himla gott! Hela stället var helt magiskt och vi åkte på små utflykter varje dag. Lycka! Xx

I don’t really know where to start, WOW. This monday we flew out to Ålesund in Norway and then took the cars to the magical hotel Juvet. There were a lot of small houses placed next to each other in the middle of nowhere. Connected to the houses it was a big villa where all the meals were served, cooked by their own chef. The whole place was magical and we went on small adventures each day. Happiness! Xx

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