
  • Sketch


    Ouffff, blir så glad när ni skickar skisser och illustrationer ni gjort. Ni är så, så grymma! Tack Elen för denna underbara.

    Ouffff, I’m so happy when you send over sketches and illustrations you’ve made. You’re so, so awesome! Big thanks to Elen for this amazing one. LOVE!

  • LH cosmetics


    Woop! Var ju på fina Linda Hallsbergs releasefest för hennes ny makeup märke LH cosmetics. Till och med jag som är så ointresserad av smink tyckte det var så kul att testa, älskade även borstarna 😀 Nu ska jag in i workmode här, sitta och skissa hela dagen är tänkt, bland det roligaste jag vet. Xx

    Woop! I went to the release party for beautiful Linda Hallbergs new make up brand LH Cosmetics. Even though I’m not so into make up I really loved trying these ones out, really loved the brushes 😀 Now I’m heading in to work mode here, gonna sketch all day, one of the best things I know. Xx



    Everything from Boux Avenue.
    Get 20% off all with the code ROXY20 here! (adlink) 7

    ÅH, sån underbar helg alltså. Torsdagen åkte vi ut till festivalen och på fredagmorgon åt vi frukost i Villa Belparc och var sedan på Lounge(s) för dagsfest. På lördagen blev det Dayhem som alltid är sjukt bra stämning och sedan festivalen och njöt av musiken. Ett nytt härligt minne skapat! Xx

    Oh, what a wonderful weekend. On thursday we went to the festival and friday morning we had breakfast at Villa Belparc and then headed to Lounge(s) for day party. Saturday we went to dayhem and then to the festival. The vibe was amazing and another beautiful memory created! Xx

  • Monday morning



    Proteinpannkakor & sirap m.m här

    Måndag är så välkommen nu. Startar dagen med proteinpannkakor och blåbär, oförskämt gott. Känns som helgen varade i en hel vecka för gjorde så mycket och så olika saker under hela helgen. Alltifrån plåtningar till dagsfest och även lite allmänt kaos, som vanligt haha 😉 Jag har förövrigt sett slut på alla Suits-avsnitt och vet inte riktigt vad jag ska ta mig till. Känns som Harvey har dumpat mig och jag borde ligga i sängen och grina, heheh.. Nä, måste hitta någon ny spännande serie, får bli seriejakt efter dagens jobb 😀 Xx

    Monday is so welcome now. Starting the day with protein pancakes and blueberries, insanely good. Feels like this weekend was a whole week because I did so much and so different stuff. Everything from photoshoots to day party and also some common chaos, haha 😉 Also, I’ve seen all episodes of Suits and I don’t know what to do! Feels like Harvey broke up with me and I’m supposed to stay in bed and cry, heheh.. No seriously, I’ve to find another one to watch! 😀 Xx

  • Roxy X Tresemmé

    I’ve made a hair tutorial movie with TRESemmé and their hair styling products. I made a hair style where the hair on top of the head is in braid and put the hair up at the back of the head. This style is great when you want to do something special but you don’t have so much time. I used the TRESemmé Perfectly (un)done sea salt spray which makes the hair as beachy as I love!


  • Follow me

    Follow follow
    Follow follow me
    Follow follow
    Follow me Follow me

    Clouds are dancing over the sea
    They’re making a figure
    A fay in a gown
    Hear the dragons sing in the breeze
    They watch over you under the bright sun

    Wings are made of golden steal
    Alligned with them we’re never alone
    Unbreakable unbreakable
    Their tales with touch Achilles heels
    and all they breath at turns into coal
    You’re taking me home

    Follow me
    Lift me up the sky
    Follow me
    You’re taking me high
    Follow me
    We can go alone
    Follow me
    ’til the sun shines no more

    High up on your back your feathers build a white armour
    We’re fighting under storms
    We conquer all the spears, arrows and canons
    You’re my life savor for you I’m a warrior
    I know it is our time to start fly high, rise up, winter is coming

    Wings are made of golden steal
    Alligned with them we’re never alone
    Unbreakable unbreakable


    Follow me
    Lift me up the sky
    Follow me
    You’re taking me high
    Follow me
    We can go alone
    Follow me
    ’til the sun shines no more


    We’re flying over mountains and oceans tonight
    We kill the bad with fire and turn it into light
    Spread your wings out wide we’re going high and fly away
    And darkness will be glowing like diamonds in the sky
    Everything that’s wrong we’re making it right
    Fly away, fly away with me

    Follow me
    Lift me up the sky
    Follow me
    You’re taking me high
    Follow me
    We can go alone
    Fly away until the sun goes down
    Fly away, fly away with me


  • Animal

    Eyes stay awake

    There’s a creature lurking in the night

    Feed of you to stay alive

    Ghost or giant snakes

    They dont scare you like I do

    My instinct tells me to hunt you


    I’m a rebel pacing through the barriers

    I swear I cross the world cross my heart

    You can pop your gun but you won’t get no luck

    So runaway

    You better run that way


    I’m an animal animal

    On move

    Like an animal animal

    I hunt for you


    I am the king of the jungle

    You are a peasant

    I had to hunt you down

    Now we are face to face

    There’s no more time to waste

    I have to fight for my own


    I’m a rebel pacing through the barriers

    I swear I cross the world cross my heart

    You can pop your gun but you won’t get no luck

    So runaway

    You better run that way


    I’m an animal animal

    I hunt for you

    On move

    Like an animal animal


    I hunt for you


    I’m running alone in the darkest night

    The demons are shadows that haunts the light

    My only friends now won’t let them get away no

    I’m battling up I live to fight

    A Leo by heart victory in sight

    No matter how hard I’m here to stay


    I’m a rebel pacing through the barriers

    I swear I cross the world cross my heart

    You can pop your gun but you won’t get no luck

    So runaway

    You better run that way



    I’m an animal animal

    I hunt for you

    On move

    Like an animal animal


    I hunt for you